Friday, November 15, 2013

Other Blogs
What Kate pointed out in her reflection on the mass mediums unit really made me stop and think. What she said was spot on. I have learned so much in the past several weeks about journalism, mass mediums, and technology than I ever thought I would. Usually, I wouldn't think lectures would be fun, but I really learn a lot and I now look at things a lot differently. Before this unit, I looked at Yahoo as a good news source, but now looking at Yahoo's homepage, I can tell that most of their stories are celebrity/fluff stories that don't have much relevance to people. This is mainly because Yahoo doesn't try to be a big news source, they want ratings and viewers more than anything.
What Kate also pointed out was how much this relates to the real world. I have been able to see how the news really works and what websites to actually pay attention to. I know when someone is failing to do all the duties of a journalist, and I can criticize and understand them. I even remember a class discussion in my English class that involved what we have learned so far, and all of the J&C kids looked at each other and understood. Thank you Kate for making me take the time to look back and think about how much this class has meant so far.

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