Thursday, September 26, 2013

Class Talks

One thing I learned about in Mr. Miller's class that interested me was demassification. At first, I thought it was similar to conglomeration, something a company chooses to do to improve their business. I soon learned that demassification isn't just for one company, its for a whole type of media, and its definitely not a choice. Demassification is breaking down a company to target niche audiences. This happens due to either loss of viewers, advertisers, or both. What really surprised me is what things have already demassified. Magazines for example, used to have everything. Now, there are certain ones for sports, clothing, shopping, etc. Then radio had to demassify due to television taking advertisers and viewers. Currently though, internet is forcing television to start demassifiying along with so many other things. The good thing is that many of these national medias are still successful through demassification. Some aren't (I'll miss you, Blockbuster), but meanwhile, it looks like radio will stay a while longer.

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